it's a monday

whoever thought up the scale should be tarred, feathered, drug into the street, and shot with an air soft gun (because they're really annoying). yesterday morning i weighed myself and it was at 201.8. This morning it said 205.6, then 10 minutes later said 205.8. When I tried again after getting dd #1 ready for preschool it said 207.4 (granted, that time I had my clothes - jeans and a t-shirt - on.

This makes no sense; I was actually very good about eating healthy yesterday even though it was my "relax" day. I had toast and some bacon for breakfast, grilled chicken, baked potato, and dinner salad for lunch, and a turkey sausage for dinner. The only "bad" food I had was 3 handfuls of chips and some french onion dip, and 5 caramels.

I woke up in a bad mood this morning and this really isn't helping matters much. I guess I'll just try again tonight or in the a.m.